The National Trial Lawyers
Avvo Rating 10.0
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Case Results

Please note that prior results do not guarantee future outcomes.

  • Not guilty verdict in high-profile Bronx murder trial covered by local television news.
  • Client pleaded guilty to raping a fellow college classmate because his attorney also represented another student who had agreed to testify against him. Matthew Galluzzo took over the case and overturned the guilty plea on appeal, citing a blatant conflict of interest on the part of the previous lawyer. After overturning the guilty verdict on appeal, Matthew Galluzzo earned the client a full acquittal at trial. The case was featured in the local newspapers. The jury deliberated about thirty minutes before declaring the client innocent.
  • Earned not guilty verdict in federal trial for our client accused of sexually assaulting another passenger on an international plane flight. The case was featured multiple times in the New York Post and the New York Daily News, among other outlets, for its unique use of the “sleep apnea defense”.
  • Earned not guilty verdict for client accused of sexually assaulting multiple people in Brooklyn. This stunning verdict in the case of the so-called “Park Slope Groper” was the subject of numerous press articles.
  • Persuaded prosecutors in Manhattan not to pursue rape charges against a diplomat following a complaint by the client’s ex-girlfriend.
  • Persuaded prosecutors in Manhattan not to pursue rape charges against a Chinese student accused of date-raping another student.
  • Persuaded prosecutors in Manhattan to dismiss a rape case against a French citizen accused of raping a woman at his apartment.
  • Client was indicted for raping his ex-girlfriend in Manhattan. Matthew Galluzzo took over the case from one of the city’s most well-known criminal defense attorneys and persuaded Manhattan prosecutors to dismiss the rape charge.
  • Negotiated one year sentence for French citizen who attempted to set his restaurant on fire while attempting suicide. The prosecutor originally offered seven years and Matthew Galluzzo negotiated a more favorable one-year sentence instead.
  • Persuaded Manhattan prosecutors not to arrest client accused of raping a woman following a one-night stand.
  • Client, a non-citizen, was arrested for Arson in the First Degree after setting fire inside of a church. Persuaded Manhattan prosecutors to allow him to enter drug rehabilitation program and plead guilty to a lesser offense that allowed him to remain in the United States.
  • Full acquittal for client accused of felonious possession of an illegal knife in Manhattan. Matthew Galluzzo persuaded the jury that the knife was not in fact an illegal knife.
  • Probation for client accused of possessing a homemade “ghost gun” in his apartment in Queens and abusing his ex-girlfriend.
  • Not guilty verdict in Manhattan for client accused of a gunpoint robbery.
  • Persuaded court to dismiss Enterprise Corruption charges against a defendant indicted for participating in a massive identity-theft ring. Defended the verdict on appeal to the Appellate Division and eventually won a decisive victory at the Court of Appeals, New York state’s highest court. The case, People v. Western Express (citation), is now the most-frequently cited case in Enterprise Corruption cases in New York. (Enterprise Corruption is New York state’s RICO equivalent.)
  • Sentence significantly below the recommended Guidelines for federal defendant accused of significant narcotics trafficking on the Dark Web.
  • Persuaded federal prosecutors not to pursue criminal charges against client suspected of assisting in a homicide by driving suspected co-conspirator to the murder.
  • Persuaded prosecutors not to pursue federal charges against investment banker accused of providing inside information to another investor.
  • Persuaded prosecutors not to pursue federal charges for money laundering against
  • Earned below-Guidelines federal sentence for French attorney who sold crystal methamphetamine and GHB in Manhattan nightclubs.
  • Earned non-jail sentence for client arrested for selling crystal methamphetamine to an undercover police officer in Manhattan.
  • Negotiated favorable 18-month federal sentence for client indicted for conspiring to assassinate an ambassador. Client originally faced much more serious charges and penalties. The matter was featured in news articles around the world, including in the New York Times.
  • Dismissal of larceny charges for managing director at investment bank
  • Persuaded law enforcement not to prosecute client suspected of money laundering, health care fraud, and running an illegal money transfer business.
  • Persuaded Manhattan prosecutors to dismiss sex abuse charges against medical doctor accused of forcibly touching a woman on a date.
  • Four-year sentence for federal defendant convicted of planning a robbery that resulted in a homicide.
  • Persuaded federal judge to sentence client convicted of causing a fatality through sale of fentanyl to ½ of the sentence recommended by the federal sentencing guidelines (10 years instead of 20).
  • Numerous dismissals of larceny charges.
  • Numerous dismissals of weapons possession charges.
  • Numerous dismissals of assault charges in domestic violence cases.
  • High dismissal rate on first-time marijuana cases.
  • High dismissal rate on first-arrest shoplifting and petit larceny charges.

Trial acquittal: Sexual Abuse in the First Degree and Assault in the Second Degree

Client, a computer programmer, was accused of sexually abusing three different underaged girls in Park Slope. He was also charged with assaulting a police officer and causing her to become permanently disabled. After a two-week jury trial, he was acquitted on all charges.

The case received press coverage.

Dismissals in weapons possession cases


Student and non-citizen was arrested trying to board an airplane with a Chinese throwing star and Xanax in hs backpack, and issued a Desk Appearance Ticket for PL 265.01 and PL 220.03. Result: All charges dismissed without community service.

Student at prominent private school arrested with gravity knife while smoking marijuana on a park bench and issued Desk Appearance Ticket for PL 265.01 and PL 221.10. Result: All charges dismissed with two days of community service.

Felony assault charges in stabbing case dismissed


Client, an executive at an internet company, was arrested and charged with felony assault (Assault in the Second Degree, PL 120.05) for allegedly stabbing a bouncer at a nightclub during a riot. Result: all criminal charges dismissed without jail or probation or community service.

Assault & Criminal Contempt

Cases Dismissed

Real estate developer was charged with assault for allegedly assaulting his wife, and then re-arrested for criminal contempt for allegedly violating an order of protection. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo convinced the prosecutor to move to dismiss all of the charges.

Result: Cases dismissed.


No Jail Time

Client was a young man who allegedly assaulted another man outside of a bar. The assault caused the victim to slip into an coma and suffer permanent injuries.

Result: Our client was able to avoid jail, earn a Certificate of Relief from Civil Disabilities, and achieve sobriety through an outpatient alcohol abuse program arranged with The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s assistance.

Armed Robbery


Client, a drug and alcohol addict, faced potential life sentence in connection with an armed robbery charge.

Result: After trial, client was acquitted of most serious charges and was ultimately sentenced to just two years in jail, during which time he beat his substance addictions. Client is now sober and successfully employed and was discharged early from parole.

Sexual Assault


Client was a foreign student in New York charged with sexually assaulting a woman that he had met at a bar in Manhattan. His attorneys at The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo provided proof of significant inconsistencies in her story, and the prosecutor dismissed all charges.

Result: Case dismissed.

Failing to Pay $3000-Tab


Corporate executive (CEO) arrested for allegedly failing to pay his $3000-tab for bottle service at a Manhattan nightclub.

Result: Case dismissed.

Scamming Thousands of Dollars


Taxi driver arrested and charged with felonies for allegedly scamming thousands of dollars from clients by rigging his meter to overcharge.

Result: Case dismissed.

Stealing Thousands of Dollars


Retail store employee arrested for felony larceny for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from the store cash register over the course of many months.

Result: Case dismissed.

Selling Illegal Knives


Store owner arrested for allegedly selling dozens of illegal knives.

Result: Case dismissed.



Celebrity TV personality arrested for assaulting two men.

Result: Case dismissed.



Client, a university student, charged with raping a fellow student in his dorm room. Client’s roommate pleaded guilty and agreed to testify that he had assisted client in committing the crime.

Result: complaining witness and client’s roommate testified against him but client acquitted of all charges at trial after jury deliberated for forty-five minutes. The newspaper article about the case is available here. Remarkably, the client had been previously convicted and sentenced to state prison with another attorney. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo pursued client’s appeal and had his conviction unanimously overturned on appeal before winning his total acquittal at trial. The text of the appellate decision is available here.

Enterprise Corruption


Client charged with Enterprise Corruption for participating in alleged online identity theft ring. The grand jury reviewing judge dismissed the top charge, and The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo handled the appeal through New York state’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. By a 6-1 decision, the Court reversed the lower court and dismissed the very serious Enterprise Corruption charge against our client. The text of the decision is available here.

Sexual Assault


Foreign investor charged with allegedly sexually assaulting and raping a woman in his hotel room. His lawyers at The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo presented their version of events to the investigating prosecutor.

Result: Case dismissed and client’s work visa was unaffected.



Finance professional charged with assault for allegedly pushing his girlfriend down a flight of stairs. The girlfriend pressed charges but The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the charges.

Result: Case dismissed.



Client arrested for allegedly shooting at police officers and was considered a suspect in the killing of another man during the incident. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo investigated the incident and discovered numerous civilian eyewitnesses that they presented to the investigating prosecutors.

Result: after a long grand jury investigatation that had been specially convened to investigate the incident, all charges against the client were dismissed. The case received major press coverage and The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo is currently pursuing a civil rights lawsuit in federal court on the cilent’s behalf.

Identity Theft & Bank Fraud

No Jail Time

Client was arrested and charged with dozens of felonies in connection with a massive identity theft and bank fraud ring.

Result: client avoided a jail sentence by participating in a drug treatment program negotiated and arranged by The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo. Client was so successful in overcoming her addiction that she is now employed as a full-time counselor at the addiction center.

Sale of a Controlled Substance


Client was a full-scholarship student at a prestigious university in New York City charged with a felony sale of a controlled substance to undercover police officers.

Result: Case dismissed.

Drug Posession


Client was an internationally-known musician and disc jockey charged with possessing marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Result: Case dismissed.

Selling a Controlled Substance

No Criminal Conviction, No Jail, No Probation

Client was charged with selling a controlled substance to an undercover officer outside of Madison Square Garden before a concert.

Result: No criminal conviction, no jail, no probation, no community service.


Lesser Charge

Client was a green card holder who accidentally burned down the multi-unit brownstone in which he lived.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo convinced the prosecutors to dismiss the most serious arson charges and the client was allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge without any jail, probation, or community service; client was not deported.

Felony Weight of Narcotics

No Felony Conviction, No Jail, and No Probation

Client, a multiple predicate felon as a result of convictions for possessing and selling narcotics, was charged with possessing a felony weight of narcotics.

Result: After successfully completing an outpatient drug treatment program, no felony conviction, no jail, and no probation.

Felony Sale of Narcotics

Awarded a Settlement

Client was assaulted by police officers and charged with the felony sale of narcotics.

Result: All felony charges were dismissed and client spent no time in jail; client later awarded a settlement in a civil rights lawsuit brought by The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo.



Client was a young man arrested for shoplifting that had just been accepted into a prestigious American military academy.

Result: all charges were dismissed, and with The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s help, his admission to the academy was not revoked. Client is now a commissioned officer.

Possession of a Weapon


Client was arrested and charged with felony possession of a weapon. Defendant spent almost a year in jail and fired two lawyers before becoming represented by The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo.

Result: total trial acquittal on all charges after jury deliberated for about an hour.

Domestic Assault


Client, an internationally known foreign television correspondent, was arrested and charged with domestic assault.

Result: all charges dismissed without any publicity or immigration consequences for the client.



Client, an award-winning foreign filmmaker, was charged with shoplifting in Manhattan.

Result: all charges dismissed.

Indecent Behavior


Client, a marketing executive with a large company, was charged with engaging in indecent behavior in a public park in NYC.

Result: all charges dismissed without jail, probation, or community service.



Client was a student charged with robbery in uptown Manhattan.

Result: all charges dismissed.

Stealing Over $100,000

No Jail

Client, the president of the board of a condominium association, was charged with grand larceny for stealing over $100,000 from the condominium association.

Result: no jail.

Disorderly Conduct


Client, an associate at one of the world’s leading investment banks and a FINRA-licensed professional, was arrested for disorderly conduct and allegedly resisting arrest outside of a nightclub in Manhattan. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo represented him on the criminal matter and advised him on how to report to his employer and FINRA.

Result: all charges dismissed without any career consequences.

Drug Posession


Client, an attorney at a major law firm in Manhattan, was charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana in public.

Result: all charges dismissed without any professional consequences whatsoever.



Client, a FINRA-licensed finance professional, was charged with assaulting someone following a car accident.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss all charges.

Bribing a Police Lieutenant


Client, a foreign IT professional with an international investment bank working in NYC on a visa, was arrested and charged with allegedly bribing a police lieutenant.

Result: all charges dismissed without any professional or immigration consequences.

Possession of Counterfeit Money


Client, a businessman from Venezuela, was charged with possessing thousands of dollars of counterfeit money while on vacation in NYC.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo successfully persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss all charges.


No Criminal Convictions, No Jail, No Probation

Clients, two foreign professional rugby players, were charged with felony assault for allegedly attacking police officers and giving one a concussion.

Result: no criminal convictions, no jail, no community, no probation, and back in time to start their seasons.



Client arrested for allegedly burglarizing a university building and stealing thousands of dollars worth of material.

Result: case dismissed in the grand jury.

Smashing the Window of a Police Car


Client, a successful financial professional, arrested for smashing the window of a police car and causing a police officer to suffer injuries as a result.

Result: all charges dismissed after client performed community service; no professional consequences for the client.

Gunpoint Robbery


Client indicted for gunpoint robbery.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s motion to dismiss the indictment was granted, resulting in a total dismissal of all charges.

Sexual Abuse


Client charged with sexual abuse of a stranger on the subway.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s motion to dismiss was granted, resulting in a total dismissal of all charges.



IT professional arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend.

Result: Case dismissed.



Foreign technology consultant arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife.

Result: Case dismissed.

Jumping the Subway Turnstile


NYC teacher arrested for jumping the subway turnstile when her Metrocard didn’t work.

Result: Case dismissed.

Cocaine Possession


Client, a lawyer, arrested for possessing cocaine.

Result: Case dismissed without any professional consequences for the client.

Marijuana Possession


Client, a lawyer, arrested for possessing marijuana.

Result: Case dismissed without any professional consequences for the client.

Reckless Driving


Client, a lawyer, issued a misdemeanor summons for reckless driving. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo argued to the judge that the accusatory instrument was facially insufficient.

Result: Case dismissed without any professional consequences for the client.



Doctor and his wife arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. The case received press coverage in their home country.

Result: Case dismissed, and The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo settled a civil rights lawsuit on their behalf for a significant amount of money damages.



Client charged with raping child relative. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo provided alibi witnesses that proved client’s innocence.

Result: Case dismissed and mother of complainig witness arrested for filing a false report.

Possessing of Illegal Gravity Knife


Client arrested for allegedly possessing an illegal gravity knife.

Result: Case dismissed.

Importing Cocaine

Received Minimum Sentence

Client arrested at international airport and charged in federal court with importation of cocaine.

Result: client negotiated favorable plea agreement and received minimum sentence.

Failing to Pay Taxi Fare


Multiple clients separately arrested for failing to pay taxi fare.

Result: all cases dismissed.

Possession of Controlled Substances


Client, a foreign citizen with a valid US work visa, arrested for possessing controlled substances.

Result: all charges dismissed after The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo proved that the defendant had a valid foreign prescription for the substances.

Client, a 34-year old non-citizen with no criminal record, charged with Class A2 felony for allegedly possessing over four ounces of heroin. Client was facing ten years in prison and deportation.

Result: all charges dismissed after The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo persuaded prosecutor of client’s innocence. No jail or immigration consequences for client.

Client, a university student, charged with raping a fellow student in his dorm room. Client’s roommate pleaded guilty and agreed to testify that he had assisted client in committing the crime.

Result: complaining witness and client’s roommate testified against him but client acquitted of all charges at trial after jury deliberated for forty-five minutes. The newspaper article about the case is available here . Remarkably, the client had been previously convicted and sentenced to state prison with another attorney. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo pursued client’s appeal and had his conviction unanimously overturned on appeal before winning his total acquittal at trial. The text of the appellate decision is available here.

Client charged with Enterprise Corruption for participating in alleged online identity theft ring. The grand jury reviewing judge dismissed the top charge, and The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo handled the appeal through New York state’s highest court, the Court of Appeals . By a 6-1 decision, the Court reversed the lower court and dismissed the very serious Enterprise Corruption charge against our client. The text of the decision is available here.

High dismissal rate on first-time marijuana cases.

High dismissal rate on first-arrest shoplifting and petit larceny charges.

Foreign investor charged with allegedly sexually assaulting and raping a woman in his hotel room. His lawyers at The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo presented their version of events to the investigating prosecutor.

Result: Case dismissed and client’s work visa was unaffected.

Finance professional charged with assault for allegedly pushing his girlfriend down a flight of stairs. The girlfriend pressed charges but The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the charges.

Result: Case dismissed.

Client arrested for allegedly shooting at police officers and was considered a suspect in the killing of another man during the incident. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo investigated the incident and discovered numerous civilian eyewitnesses that they presented to the investigating prosecutors.

Result: after a long grand jury investigatation that had been specially convened to investigate the incident, all charges against the client were dismissed. The case received major press coverage and The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo is currently pursuing a civil rights lawsuit in federal court on the cilent’s behalf.

Client was arrested and charged with dozens of felonies in connection with a massive identity theft and bank fraud ring.

Result: client avoided a jail sentence by participating in a drug treatment program negotiated and arranged by The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo. Client was so successful in overcoming her addiction that she is now employed as a full-time counselor at the addiction center.

Real estate developer was charged with assault for allegedly assaulting his wife, and then re-arrested for criminal contempt for allegedly violating an order of protection. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo convinced the prosecutor to move to dismiss all of the charges.

Result: Cases dismissed.

Client was a young man who allegedly assaulted another man outside of a bar. The assault caused the victim to slip into an coma and suffer permanent injuries.

Result: Our client was able to avoid jail, earn a Certificate of Relief from Civil Disabilities, and achieve sobriety through an outpatient alcohol abuse program arranged with The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s assistance.

Client, a drug and alcohol addict, faced potential life sentence in connection with an armed robbery charge.

Result: After trial, client was acquitted of most serious charges and was ultimately sentenced to just two years in jail, during which time he beat his substance addictions. Client is now sober and successfully employed and was discharged early from parole.

Client was a foreign student in New York charged with sexually assaulting a woman that he had met at a bar in Manhattan. His attorneys at The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo provided proof of significant inconsistencies in her story, and the prosecutor dismissed all charges.

Result: Case dismissed.

Client was a green card holder who accidentally burned down the multi-unit brownstone in which he lived.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo convinced the prosecutors to dismiss the most serious arson charges and the client was allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge without any jail, probation, or community service; client was not deported.

Client was a full-scholarship student at a prestigious university in New York City charged with a felony sale of a controlled substance to undercover police officers.

Result: Case dismissed.

Client was an internationally-known musician and disc jockey charged with possessing marijuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms .

Result: Case dismissed.

Client was charged with selling a controlled substance to an undercover officer outside of Madison Square Garden before a concert.

Result: No criminal conviction, no jail, no probation, no community service.

Client, a multiple predicate felon as a result of convictions for possessing and selling narcotics, was charged with possessing a felony weight of narcotics.

Result: After successfully completing an outpatient drug treatment program, no felony conviction, no jail, and no probation.

Client was assaulted by police officers and charged with the felony sale of narcotics.

Result: All felony charges were dismissed and client spent no time in jail; client later awarded a settlement in a civil rights lawsuit brought by The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo.

Client was a young man arrested for shoplifting that had just been accepted into a prestigious American military academy.

Result: all charges were dismissed, and with The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s help, his admission to the academy was not revoked. Client is now a commissioned officer.

Client was arrested and charged with felony possession of a weapon. Defendant spent almost a year in jail and fired two lawyers before becoming represented by The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo.

Result: total trial acquittal on all charges after jury deliberated for about an hour.

Client, an internationally known foreign television correspondent, was arrested and charged with domestic assault.

Result: all charges dismissed without any publicity or immigration consequences for the client.

Client, an award-winning foreign filmmaker, was charged with shoplifting in Manhattan.

Result: all charges dismissed.

Client, a marketing executive with a large company, was charged with engaging in indecent behavior in a public park in NYC.

Result: all charges dismissed without jail, probation, or community service.

Client was a student charged with robbery in uptown Manhattan.

Result: all charges dismissed.

Client, the president of the board of a condominium association, was charged with grand larceny for stealing over $100,000 from the condominium association.

Result: no jail.

Client, an associate at one of the world’s leading investment banks and a FINRA-licensed professional, was arrested for disorderly conduct and allegedly resisting arrest outside of a nightclub in Manhattan. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo represented him on the criminal matter and advised him on how to report to his employer and FINRA.

Result: all charges dismissed without any career consequences.

Client, an attorney at a major law firm in Manhattan, was charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana in public.

Result: all charges dismissed without any professional consequences whatsoever.

Client, a FINRA-licensed finance professional, was charged with assaulting someone following a car accident.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss all charges.

Client, a foreign IT professional with an international investment bank working in NYC on a visa, was arrested and charged with allegedly bribing a police lieutenant.

Result: all charges dismissed without any professional or immigration consequences.

Client, a businessman from Venezuela, was charged with possessing thousands of dollars of counterfeit money while on vacation in NYC.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo successfully persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss all charges.

Clients, two foreign professional rugby players, were charged with felony assault for allegedly attacking police officers and giving one a concussion.

Result: no criminal convictions, no jail, no community, no probation, and back in time to start their seasons.

Client arrested for allegedly burglarizing a university building and stealing thousands of dollars worth of material.

Result: case dismissed in the grand jury.

Client, a successful financial professional, arrested for smashing the window of a police car and causing a police officer to suffer injuries as a result.

Result: all charges dismissed after client performed community service; no professional consequences for the client.

Client indicted for gunpoint robbery.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s motion to dismiss the indictment was granted, resulting in a total dismissal of all charges.

Client charged with sexual abuse of a stranger on the subway.

Result: The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo’s motion to dismiss was granted, resulting in a total dismissal of all charges.

Doctor and his wife arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. The case received press coverage in their home country.

Result: Case dismissed, and The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo settled a civil rights lawsuit on their behalf for a significant amount of money damages.

IT professional arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend.

Result: Case dismissed.

Foreign technology consultant arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife.

Result: Case dismissed.

NYC teacher arrested for jumping the subway turnstile when her Metrocard didn’t work.

Result: Case dismissed.

Client, a lawyer, arrested for possessing cocaine.

Result: Case dismissed without any professional consequences for the client.

Client, a lawyer, arrested for possessing marijuana.

Result: Case dismissed without any professional consequences for the client.

Client, a lawyer, issued a misdemeanor summons for reckless driving . The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo argued to the judge that the accusatory instrument was facially insufficient.

Result: Case dismissed without any professional consequences for the client.

Corporate executive (CEO) arrested for allegedly failing to pay his $3000-tab for bottle service at a Manhattan nightclub.

Result: Case dismissed.

Taxi driver arrested and charged with felonies for allegedly scamming thousands of dollars from clients by rigging his meter to overcharge.

Result: Case dismissed.

Retail store employee arrested for felony larceny for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from the store cash register over the course of many months.

Result: Case dismissed.

Store owner arrested for allegedly selling dozens of illegal knives.

Result: Case dismissed.

Celebrity TV personality arrested for assaulting two men.

Result: Case dismissed.

Client charged with raping child relative. The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo provided alibi witnesses that proved client’s innocence.

Result: Case dismissed and mother of complainig witness arrested for filing a false report.

Client arrested for allegedly possessing an illegal gravity knife.

Result: Case dismissed.

Client arrested at international airport and charged in federal court with importation of cocaine.

Result: client negotiated favorable plea agreement and received minimum sentence.

Multiple clients separately arrested for failing to pay taxi fare.

Result: all cases dismissed.

Client, a foreign citizen with a valid US work visa, arrested for possessing controlled substances.

Result: all charges dismissed after The Law Office of Matthew Galluzzo proved that the defendant had a valid foreign prescription for the substances.

Client Reviews

I found myself in such a dark place thinking only God could understand and help me through this horrible situation. But Matthew Galluzzo did. And he did so in a very kind, compassionate and respectful manner. Enough said.


Matthew Galluzzo saved the day when the unthinkable happened. Every phone call was returned within minutes. All email correspondences were replied to expeditiously. Matt handled our case as if it was a member of his own family in the courtroom. Despite all the obstacles along the way, Matt's legal...


In less than an hour of assessing my case, Mr. Galluzzo had a clear direction and evoked a confident demeanor that was infectious. During the course of several court appearances he was always prepared, and took more than a personal interest when errors in court procedure occurred. Mr. Galluzzo...


We hired Matt when my son was arrested on several very serious felony charges. Matt is not only very knowledgeable about the law, he genuinely cares about his clients. He was patient and professional, inside the courtroom and out, in what turned out to be a very long process. He worked closely with...


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  2. 2 Available 24/7
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Fill out the contact form or call us at (212) 344-5180 to schedule your consultation.

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